
Nature Safaris


  • Southern Right Whale & Penguin Safaris

    For more than 2o years we have been travelling along the coast of Patagonia to visit the Southern Right Whales in their breeding and calving grounds. Hardly any other whale species is as impressive in its behaviour and approaches the boats so closely and curiously as the Southern Right Whale. Regularly we even observe mothers which guide their calves towards the boats – emotional moments are guaranteed! Those who once observed Right whales will never forget this experience.

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Photo Safaris


  • Southern Right Whale Photo Safari

    This tour offers deep insights into the life of the Southern Right Whale. You take pictures of the giants which can weigh up to 80 tons from the coast, by boat and under water. However, there wait some other close encounters with Patagonia’s animals for you: You observe Chilean and Commerson’s Dolphins in the river as well as Magellanic and Southern Rockhopper penguins. The program shows you exclusive locations which are usually only accessible for professional photographers and film teams.

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  • The big Patagonia photo tour

    This tour offers deep insights into the life of the Southern Right Whale. You take pictures of the giants which can weigh up to 80 tons from the coast, by boat and under water. However, there wait some other close encounters with Patagonia’s animals for you: You observe Chilean and Commerson’s Dolphins in the river as well as Magellanic and Southern Rockhopper penguins. The program shows you exclusive locations which are usually only accessible for professional photographers and film teams.

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  • Patagonia Right Underwater Photo Safari

    The southern right whales gather in the Golfo Nuevo every year to give birth. Nowhere else can you get as close to the animals as here. Not only that we can observe mother/child interactions. Mating and feeding behavior can also be seen here.

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TV Teams and Special Tours


  • Charter and Special Tours

    We are more than happy to offer you tailor-made itineraries in Patagonia. Apart from our annual travel programs, we organise special tours which are dedicated to a certain theme.

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  • TV Teams

    Photographers & film teams in Patagonia
    If you are interested in a film production or in professional work with orcas, Southern Right Whales or other wildlife in Patagonia, please contact us for more information. We will be happy to assist you. Click here.
    Watch the movie trailer “Patagonia” from Blue Note Productions below.

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